Solo la terra può unirci al cielo (Only the earth may join us to the sky)


This work born during a workshop and a dialogue with the artist Emilio Fantin, at the Museum of Peasant Civilization of San Marino di Bentivoglio, Bologna.

> Museo della Civiltà Contadina di San Marino di Bentivoglio, Bologna

This work sets out to put into practice some of the suggestions of Rudolf Steiner for agricultural progress (“The Agriculture Course” 1924), which are now part of Biodynamic agriculture practices, setting off a process of invigoration of fertilising elements and of the land itself on which a vegetable patch would be cultivated. 

The anthroposophic vision of Rudolf Steiner allows to come closer to the earth in order to reacquire a knowledge and a sense of belonging which we have lost over years of distancing ourselves from this vital element. It is a return to the earth to meet a need for survival and as a cultural act which looks on agricultural practices as a way of bridging the gap between the contemporary and the traditional and of coming to terms with the progressive degeneration of the soil, of food and of man. Practising agriculture can be an act to re-establish a relationship between man and his environment, between art and nature. 

A spiral of riverbed stones was arranged around the hole where the horn manure was deposited. Near the stones it was not possible to cut the grass with a mower, so the uncut grass made the spiral drawing visible.

Il lavoro si è sviluppato in tre fasi:

1.CORNOLETAME, performance. October 31, 2009.

2. DYNAMIZATION  and scattering on the ground, participatory performance. May 9, 2010

3. BIODYNAMIC LUNCH with vegetables grown where horn manure had been spread. October 22, 2010.


An installation at the Museo della Civiltà Contadina in Bologna and a video remain of this work Sun-Drawing Central Power / Disegnare universi.


> This work was created for Strade Blu Arte, Bologna, curated by Chiara Pilati, for the Museo della Civiltà Contadina di San Marino di Bentivoglio, Bologna.

Work created in dialogue with Emilio Fantin